After School Activities The after school activities mod created by Kawaii Stacie is a great mod because it will give your child or teenaged sims something to do after school, since most of the time it's just homework, dinner, and then bed  Throwback: Pickypikachu's Snug as a Slug. Tumblr Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit WhatsApp. After School Activity Mod by Kawaiistacie. If you are updating please delete old files Kawaiistacie's After School Activity Mod. Online Schooling: Attend school online and do homework online with or without classmates These mods will affect your gameplay. Smarter homework mod: Build skills while doing homework. Better schools mod: Build skills at school & have more interactions. This mod includes the following mods: Preschool mod: Enroll toddlers into public or private preschool. 214 People Used View all course ›†Want to start modding The Sims 4? Come check out some of my favorite creations: Slice of life, explore mod, education bundle, and more! All made with love by KawaiiStacie Each program will help sims make friends, maintain friendships, build skills, motives, and character values. This mod adds more after school programs for children and teens which will allow them to participate in more sports and more clubs.
For example, the Athletics after school activity is meant for Sims with the Athletics skill
But they present another way of leveling up that skill too. All of them are connected and require a unique skill. The Sims 4 after school activities mod by kawaiistacie features 36 programs for kid and teen Sims.I have a whole save game that I cannot play because it is based around your mod. I know a lot of people, and youtube simmers, that use this mod and can't use it right now. Mod Requests After School Activities Search.Each program will help sims make friends, maintain friendships, build skills, motives, and character values Sims 4 Erweiterungspack Grossstadtleben bei Amazon Each program will help sims make friends, maintain friendships, build skills, motives, and character values KAWAIISTACIE - Mods / Traits : After School Activities This mod adds more after school programs for children and teens which will allow them to participate in more sports and more clubs. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay Update Date & Update Notes: /updates This mod adds more after school programs for children and teens which will allow them to participate in more sports and more clubs. Finde ‪ Sims 4‬! Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. Alle Bücher natürlich versandkostenfre Ãœber 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay. Home Sims 4 after school activities mod kawaiistacieĪktuelle Buch-Tipps und Rezensionen.